Retailers, it’s time to be proactive.
In the midst of this unprecedented and unsettling Coronavirus pandemic and its disruptions of daily routines, you are (or will soon be) in the midst of a whirlwind.
As one person observed, "It's like walking a tightrope in a hurricane." And with the changes that seem to occur at an ever-faster pace, every day can feel like whack-a-mole.
In the midst of this unprecedented and unsettling Coronavirus pandemic and its disruptions of daily routines, you are (or will soon be) in the midst of a whirlwind.
As one person observed, "It's like walking a tightrope in a hurricane." And with the changes that seem to occur at an ever-faster pace, every day can feel like whack-a-mole.
As the owner, however, dealing with this onslaught is not enough. You also must be looking ahead.
No one expects you to have all the answers. But to instill confidence and reassurance, you must have a plan. It is time to be proactive.
And for that, The ROI is here to help you...for free!
We have an array of self-serve resources and tools available precisely for uncertain times. While some are always available to every visitor to The ROI site, others are from our Members Only collection, including the special section in the OWNERS Center focused specifically on "Weathering a Crisis."
Given the present circumstances, we are making all of these available to all of you, free of charge. We urge you to take advantage of them.
And tell your fellow retailers about them as well. We are all in this together. And we will get through it together.
No one expects you to have all the answers. But to instill confidence and reassurance, you must have a plan. It is time to be proactive.
And for that, The ROI is here to help you...for free!
We have an array of self-serve resources and tools available precisely for uncertain times. While some are always available to every visitor to The ROI site, others are from our Members Only collection, including the special section in the OWNERS Center focused specifically on "Weathering a Crisis."
Given the present circumstances, we are making all of these available to all of you, free of charge. We urge you to take advantage of them.
And tell your fellow retailers about them as well. We are all in this together. And we will get through it together.